Audit, Tax and Accounting Advisory
15 Ames Boulevard Hamburg, NJ 07419
Appointment Checklist
Personal Data
Your Name, Address, Copy of your Social Security Card and Driver's License or Government ID
Spouse Name, Copy of your Social Security Card and Driver's License or Government ID
Name, Relationship, Copy of Social Security Cards and Birth Certificates of all dependents
Child care provider: Name, Address, and Tax I.D. or Social Security Number
Alimony paid: Social Security Number
NJ Residents -Veterans your DD-214 Honorable Discharge Papers for an additional state deduction.
Copy of last year income tax return
Employment & Income Data
W-2 forms for this year
Unemployment compensation: Forms 1099-G
Miscellaneous income including rent: Forms 1099-MISC
Partnership, S Corporation, & trust income: Schedules K-1
Pensions and annuities: Forms 1099-R
Social Security/RR1 benefits: Forms RRB-1099
Alimony received
Jury duty pay
Gambling and lottery winnings
Prizes and awards
Scholarships and fellowships
All other Monies earned or received in the form of cash or other exchange of property
State and local income tax refunds: Form 1099-G
Amount received from: IRS Advanced Child Credit
Stimulus - amounts of each stimulus payment received
Homeowner/Renter Data
Residential addresses for this year
Mortgage interest: Form 1098
Sale of your home or another real estate: Form 1099-S
The second mortgage interest paid
Real estate taxes paid postcard
NJ Block and Lot Number
Rent paid during the tax year
Moving expenses
Financial Assets
Interest income statements: Form 1099-INT & 1099-OID
Dividend income statements: Form 1099-DIV
Proceeds from broker transactions: Form 1099-B
Retirement plan distribution: Form 1099-R
Financial Liabilities
Auto loans and leases (account numbers and car value) if vehicle used for business
Student loan interest paid
Early withdrawal penalties on CDs and other time deposits
Gifts to charity (qualified written statement from a charity for any single donations of $250 or more)
Unreimbursed expenses related to volunteer work
Unreimbursed expenses related to your job (travel expenses, uniforms, union dues, subscriptions)
Investment expenses
Job-hunting expenses
Job-related education expenses
Child care expenses
Medical Savings Accounts
Adoption expenses
Alimony paid
Tax return preparation expenses and fees
Out of Pocket medical premiums and expenses (co-pays, RX, dental, etc)
Self-employment Data
Business income: Forms 1099-MISC and/or own records ·
Partnership SE income: Schedules K-1 ·
Business-related expenses: Receipts, other documents & own records ·
Farm-related expenses: Receipts, other documents & own records ·
Employment taxes & other business taxes paid for the current year: Payment records
Miscellaneous Tax Documents
Federal, state & local estimated income tax paid for the current year: Estimated tax vouchers, canceled checks & other payment records
IRA, Keogh and other retirement plan contributions: If self-employed, identify as for self or employees
Records to document medical expenses
Records to document casualty or theft losses
Records for any other expenditures that may be deductible
Records for any other revenue or sales of property that may be taxable or reportable
Questions for your Income Taxes
I will need a copy of both Taxpayer and Spouses Drivers Licenses
I will need proof of the Dependent lives with you. (Medical Bill or School record with your address)
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Did all Dependents live with you for all 12 Months?
Are you or your spouse a Veteran? I will need your DD214
Did everyone on your return have health insurance all 12 months?
Are you or your spouse blind?
Are you or your spouse Disabled?
Are any of your Dependents Disabled?
Do you receive Social Security?
Do you have a foreign bank account?
Or business or Trust in a foreign country?
At any time during 2021 was it worth over $10,000?
Do you trade Virtual Currency? (Bitcoin etc.)
Do you buy anything and did not pay sales tax on it? Online, Out of State
Did you sell online or using PayPal, Etsy, eBay, etc.? How much?
Do you have a Brokerage Account with stock? I will need a brokerage statement.
Did a Credit Card or other Bill cancel your debt? I will need a 1099C.
Did anyone receive Unemployment, Disability, Family Leave? I will need the tax forms from them.
Did you receive interest from a bank, etc.? (Including sign-on bonus.) I will need a 1099 Int from them.
Any other income not stated above? Explain
Anyone on your return attends College? I will need the 1098T from the school
Did you pay rent? Total rent? The amounts you paid? # people, who shared rent?
Any medical expenses? How much?